Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Little bunny foo foo, but not so little.

Whether it is due to certain pet restrictions where one lives, allergies, or simply tastes and preferences not every pet owner has a dog or a cat. As a dog lover, I don't particularly understand why anyone would choose another pet over a dog. However, these individuals are probably thinking the same thing about my choice, but reversed. All preferences aside, I was astounded when I met my cousin's pet bunny.

This bunny is not your usual household bunny that lives in a small cage. This bunny is larger than my dog. At 22 pounds and 2 and a half feet long when outstretched, I met "Trip," a Flemish Giant. Flemish Giants act similar to dogs and cats, roaming around the house freely. Although instead of walking, they hop. They even have collars with bells so that they can be located around the house. It gets even more strange... they go on walks outside with a leash, but instead of walking, they hop. With this in mind, there seems to be no limit as to what animal can be domesticated. I wonder what will be next!

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