Thursday, April 29, 2010


I wonder who first thought of making a sock puppet? It must have been someone very creative to turn something as ordinary as a sock into something so entertaining. The great thing about sock puppets is that they can provide a lot of entertainment at little or no cost. Personally if I made a sock puppet, I would not find it very entertaining.

Last night I was babysitting, and I was amazed at how entertained young children can be with such miniscule things. Most things like this I wouldn't bother to think about twice. However, as a child one can imagine a whole world of things out of something simple. In my Intro to Creativity class, we have discussed this. What forces all of the creativity out of us that we once had as children? I remember having sock puppets, putting on puppet shows, and staying entertained all day over something I would now deem as nothing. I have become so distracted by other things that I feel to have lost my creative drive. This is why I am so glad to have taken Creativity this semester. Although an introductory level course, I have learned to expand my imagination to become closer to how it was years ago. I hope to continue this blog after the class ends and further expand upon my creative potential.

I hope to no longer be a "sock puppet" to society, being manipulated and forced to abandon my creativity.

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