Monday, February 22, 2010

What makes life worth living?

I was really inspired after looking at a former student of Dr. Griffin's Mind Map. (The mind map pictured above is mine, but just shown to illustrate the concept of a mind map.) The central topic/idea of the student's mind map was "What is killing us?" This was very interesting to me. Although it is evident that people can die of drug overdoses, cancer, and old age, I never really broke the question down in the way that this student looked at it. This intrigued me, and made me wonder... on the contrary, what is making us live? This blog entry is all about what makes me live my life how I do.

I would like to focus on what makes me live my life the way that I do with regards to my "worldview." This is, as I have learned in my Advertising Ethics class, my background, which causes me to view things in a certain way that is unique from the way that others view the same things or same situations. One's "worldview" depends on experiences that they have had, things they have done or seen, people that have grown up around, as well as many other factors.

I live for FAMILY.
I am an only child, and because of that I am very close with my parents. Although I have always wished for a brother or sister, being an only child has made me more appreciative than I may otherwise be of my cousins, aunts, uncles, grandparents, and parents. I treasure all of my relationships with them, and I make a point to talk to each of them frequently. When you have really great friends, there is really no distinction between them and your family.

I live for CHALLENGES.
Nothing worth doing will be easy. I have learned through experience that tough times can enrich a person and shape who they will be. Working through a challenge can only make one stronger. I believe in challenging myself each and every day.

I live for the times that I LAUGH so hard, I end up crying. I live for PEACE. I live to make a CHANGE.

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